I have always had a passion for understanding what makes people tick and what it needs for relationships to thrive. To the same extent I have always felt the need to clarify misunderstandings and help people overcome communicative obstacles.
Along with my language and networking skills I could turn my passion into a successful career.
In the times of social media, which hashtags would people use to describe me and my work? Here are some answers I got:
#talkative #positive #laughter #amiable #hearty #knowledgeable #wellorganised #jumpy #sunny #loud #italianenglishgerman #india # ireland #italy #competent #openminded #portableflipcharts #shadows #calm #gehirnundgeist #psychologieheute #businessspotlight
Postgraduate course Master of Arts in Intercultural Studies, University of Salzburg
Summer abroad, Business English, Dublin City University
Course in Intercultural Conflict Management, Österreichischer Integrationsfond, Vienna
Train-the-trainer education in suggestopedia (DGSL-Standard), brainbox, Graz
Master's degree in translation (English and Italian), University of Graz
Semester abroad, scuola interpreti, Università di Bologna
Tourism school, Villach
Grammar school, Graz
Further education
Stage presence - moderation and presentation, Wort und Weise, Vienna
Introductory course self-organizing developmental organizations (SDO), Bernhard Possert, Graz
Introductory seminar the provocative approach by Franz Farrelly, ÖIP, Graz
Facilitation for meetings and company retreats, Wort und Weise, Vienna
Businesscoach intensive course, Florians, Vienna
Speech technique, Sprecherakademie Österreich, Graz
Training design and methodology for teaching languages, brainbox, Graz
Career stations
since 2017 trainer for social skills in the workplace and facilitation
since 2013 trainer for intercultural communication and competence
since 2008 trainer for training design, communication and learning techniques
since 2005 trainer for languages (English and Italian)
2004-2012 guide, Eggenberg Palace, Graz
2003 terminologist, EURAC, Bozen
2000-2002 event and office management, Unterpremstätten, Graz
1999-2000 translator